
Magical Moab

My sister Taylor lives in Aspen, Colorado. With friends they packed up and drove to Moab, Utah. Moab is a red rock playground that would excite any adventurist. Located in the desert it is unlike any place in the world. Seeing her pics reminded me of one of my favorite backpacking trips in Canyonlands National Park, Moab during high school. 

For over a week, carrying a 40+ pound backpack, we trekked through canyon mazes and slept under natural arches made from sandstone. It’s a magical place where every turn and twist of the canyons brings a new surprise. On our trip we hiked through water, shimmied up steep slick rock and used ropes to help conquer difficult terrain, all while feeling the desert heat. I wish I would have taken pictures from this trip. I'm adding to my universe list a trip where we connect with nature, get outdoors and rough it up a little bit. Moab in 2013? I am thinking YES.

Cave living

Canyon shimmy

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