
Unleash Your Universe List

Growing up my parents made me believe that my goals were always achievable and nothing was out of reach. I never felt like I wasn't good enough for anyone or anything. If I had feelings of doubt my mom would work with me to CANCEL CANCEL and visualize on what I desired coming to fruition. Early on this helped me believe in the amazing power of the universe. When there was a goal I wanted to achieve, I would focus my time visualizing and seeing it come to life. Whether it was becoming class president in high school, getting accepted into the CU Journalism School or receiving an offer for my dream job - I actively concentrated on these goals becoming a reality. I do believe hardwork and luck have something to do with it, but the power of your mind, energy, positive thinking and working with the universe can help you attain your goals. Before interviewing for the job which brought me to NYC, I would think about all the important scenarios. What will I wear (of course at the top of my list), what questions will I be asked, how I will answer and most importantly getting an offer and accepting. I visualized these scenarios so intently that they felt real and eventually became a reality.

When I was in college my mom told me about keeping a universe list. You may ask yourself, "What the heck is a universe list?" Well, a universe list is where you write down your hopes, desires, wishes and dreams. I keep a journal next to my bed where I weekly write down everything from big life goals to work goals to items on behalf of my friends and family. The catch is when you write something down you have to do so as it is happening. For example, "My husband and I WILL own a house in two years" rather than "My husband and I HOPE to own a house in two years." You have to write it with conviction and confidence believing it will come true. You write it down once and then let it go knowing the universe will bring it to life. Looking back at the items on my universe list it is astonishing how many have come true from career promotions, salary increases, moving to NYC to opportunities for my husband.

Visualizing paired with keeping a universe list helped me attain what I most desire and will help you too! It is our last night in Thailand but I wanted to share with you what my universe list looks like (typically minus the doodles). Start asking and the universe list will start granting!


  1. Just started mine...again! My first one brought me to Guatemala and to find Chris :) I love the Universe List and can't believe that I haven't been doing it lately. Can't wait to hear about your travels. xo

  2. Amazing it is unreal looking back how many things come true!!! So happy you started yours again. Miss you. xoxo
