
Cancel Cancel

I wouldn't say I'm a morning person. Unlike my middle sister Taylor who without fail always wakes up with a huge smile and bounce in her step, I'm a constant snoozer and will do anything for a little more R&R! Last Thursday I woke up in a funk. First, I realized I booked my flight to Florida that evening backwards (departing from Ft.Lauderdale not NYC) then I couldn't find my camera and lastly I had an important meeting and all of my outfits were looking just ugh. If you ever wake up and your morning starts out difficult before you leave the door change your thinking with CANCEL CANCEL.

Most of us (myself included)faced with a bad morning begin to think negative thoughts i.e. "today is going to be a horrible day," and "why is this happening to me." One of the most important lessons from the Law of Attraction is Like Attracts Like http://www.eftabundance.com/lawofattraction.htm (more to come on this later) and just how a positive attracts a positive your negative thoughts do the same thing meaning focusing too much attention on a bad morning will make your entire day difficult.

Tamy Wisdom: CANCEL CANCEL - whenever you have a negative thought and your thinking is going into a downward spiral STOP your thought process by literally saying CANCEL CANCEL - think it, say it out loud, write it down, whatever you need to do. Then replace the thought with a positive. For me this meant leaving my annoyances at my apartment and walking to work visualizing myself having an easy and effortless day.

Cancel, cancel is a Silva Method technique. Saying it helps catch yourself from going to a negative place or state of thinking. It also makes you more aware and perceptive to identifying negative comments/thoughts. http://www.silvamethod.com/

1 comment:

  1. OMG I love this!! Cancel Cancel...a new tattoo? hee hee

    We need to do a book of Tamy Wisdom.
