
Lavender Love

Lavender soothes the soul! Everything from the color to the scent spurs calmness. One of my mom's concoctions, Lavender Love Spray, was not only a hit as our wedding gift but is something we use daily. It's made with lavender essential oil and helps create a calm and peaceful environment. I spritz my apartment multiple times throughout the day as well as myself and my husband! To create your own spray simply combine water with drops of lavender essential oil (you can buy this at Whole Foods or any health store) in a glass spray bottle until the scent is to your liking and then start spraying. All of our home and bath products are also lavender. Aveeno has an amazing line of products: 

Lavender inspiration - check out the photo of my beautiful sisters Taylor and Alex


  1. I was introduced to Lavender Love Spray at your wedding, and I am HOOKED! I spray it every night before bed--I swear it helps me sleep. Thank you!! Love the blog!!

  2. Thanks Lindsay - I love hearing that you are hooked and am so happy you like my blog! I hope you become a chi chaser/follow me. xoxo
