
InspireNow with Tamy - The Give-Away

One of the most significant Native American teachings is called The Give-Away Ceremony. This very powerful ritual is about releasing possessions and letting go of the attachment to those belongings. Giving without any strings attached becomes a scared action - pure giving without expectations, obligations or a means to control the recipient of the gift. I think we can all gain from this powerful teaching in our lives. Each time we share or give to another from a pure space without strings attached or any feelings of regret, we learn so much about our true selves. In turn we are given a gift of inner release. Try to release what no longer serves you - ideas, habits, limited thinking or belongings.

See what  you can share this week with others. Give away something that can help another or just let go of something that is weighing you down. When we hang on so tight and resist the natural flow of life we become blocked and feel heavy - release and feel your spirit soar!

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