
Our Dads

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Growing up our house was full of girls and this even included our pets. American Girl Dolls, makeup, tutus and dress up consumed our house and my dad was always involved. He was such a hands on dad and loved having daughters. Whether it was joining Indian Princess, camping, kayaking, riding horses or attending our dance recitals he was always happy to be there. At Indian Princess my dad was called Chief Arrow Walk, he was notorious for getting the camping trips started by wearing a head dress, war paint and singing "a boom chicka boom" around the campfire. I was eleven and was at the age where this could have been embarrassing but instead I was proud he was my dad. My dad still radiates this charisma and I am so lucky to have him. 
As a child I was called Thunder Thighs
 from this pic you can see why

My dad and I at our wedding

Eric's dad David and I clicked from the moment we met. He is the most giving, kind, loving and selfless man I know. He puts the happiness of his family above everything. He has such a calm aura about him and makes everyone feel special. I know my husband is the man he is today because he grew up with the best role model. 
Jason (Eric's brother), David and Eric

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