
Good to Eat - Lavender and Lemon Verbena Cake

I have been succeeding in making delicious dinners so for my next Good to Eat posting wanted to give baking a shot. I emailed my friend Shanti who is a baker at the foodie spot Saltie http://www.saltieny.com/ in Williamsburg. She invited me over for a Friday afternoon of baking, wine and sweets. It was a rainy day and after picking up fresh lavender from the Union Square Farmer's market I headed over to Fort Greene. I never realized how technical baking is and now have such an appreciation for this type of cooking. We made a delicious herb infused cake - a lavender, lemon verbena cake with lemon balm filling and lavender buttercream frosting. Mmmm mmmm it was delicious! You all know I love sweets but there is nothing better than biting into piece of cake made from scratch. It was so rewarding. Everything from the cake to the cream filling and frosting we infused with lavender and lemon. The ingredients were all organic and my tastebuds were doing a happy dance. The recipe is on Shanti's blog, Shantilly Picnic http://www.shantillypicnic.com/

Shanti - the baking pro