
Lovely Lemon Water

During my last session with Aspen-based healer Rob I asked him if he could share any advice on how to start your day feeling great. In addition to starting and ending your day thinking about what you are grateful for, he also recommends drinking water with lemon juice first thing in the morning. I know most of you start your day with coffee so please keep an open mind with this post.

He says that lemon water sends soothing energetic signals through your body that you are awake and ready for the day. It also stimulates liver function which is vital to your overall health. 
Drinking coffee first thing shocks your body into waking up. Send a love letter to your liver by starting the day with hot or cold water and fresh squeezed lemon (then add coffee once you are awake). This sets your body up to be in a good place for the day. The liver tells your other organs what to do so why not wake up by sending them some love. For the next week I am going to switch my morning Chai with a big glass of lemon water and see how I feel.

Photo Credit: classicglamblog.blogspot.com

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