
Chia Craze

Photo Credit: Fit Sugar
Where I work Chia seeds have taken over! It's the norm to see Smart Water bottles filled to the rim with Chia Seeds (which look more like dirt when in water). In water their appearance may not be appetizing but the nutritional benefits make them very desirable. They are a tiny seed packed with big nutritional benefits. If you aren't on the Chia Seed bandwagon NOW is the time to start.

They are loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, help balance blood sugar, increase energy, are high in fiber and protein, have age defying antioxidants and diminish food cravings. When I consume Chia seeds I find myself making healthier food choices and they keep me from over eating. They deliver the maximum amount of nutrients with minimum calories. 

I purchased my first seeds through Mila http://home.lifemax.net/mila-index.php but you can also purchase at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. I prefer to mix the seeds in Vitamin Water and drink throughout the day but you can also mix the seeds into yogurt, salads, smoothies, cereal, etc. I hope you join the craze!!!


  1. So interesting Lauren! I have never heard of them until now, and find myself wanting to know more! Definitely going to give these a try. Thanks for the great post, and let's get together soon. Becca xx

    1. Hi Becca - definitely try them! They are loaded with health benefits. Hope to see you soon.

  2. i've never heard of chia seeds before! when you put them into your drinks, do you eat them as you drink? i'll have to try them! goodness knows i need to start eating healthier...

    thanks lauren!

    1. They are easy to swallow when in a drink because they become mushy! Enjoy!

  3. I heard that they expand and create a cement-like base which could leave to constipation. is this true?

  4. Hmmm I didn't experience that at all! I haven't heard this from any of my colleagues who also take Chia Seeds.

  5. can you tell us what the ratio would be per oz of water or drink?
