
A Mother's Love

I have three women in my life that I am constantly wowed by. All of them are amazing mothers, wives and friends. The first is my mom because she is my best friend. A day doesn't go by when we do not speak (usually 3 to 4 times a day). I look up to her for everything and she truly helps me be a better person. She infuses our family with fun and happiness. She is completely selfless and always puts others before her. She has so many talents (event planning, interior decorating, design, etc.) and we all grow from her positive outlook.

The next is my mother-in-law Lois. She is full of so much love and kindness. She has so much pride in her home and being a mom and wife. From her I have learned about the art of pouring love into everything you do, even tasks like folding laundry and doing the dishes. She does tasks like these with a smile and enjoys doing them because it is for her family. The happiness of her family matters most to her. She is an amazing storyteller and I can sit and talk with her for hours.

My sister-in-law Amy is a super mom through and through. She is the mom of three amazing children, Kevin (age 6), Hannah (age 3) and little Sydney (age 1). In addition to being a mom she is a wife, lawyer, fundraising extraordinaire and deeply involved at her kid's school. She juggles a million things a day all with ease. Even though she has a ton on her plate you would never know it. When I'm a mom I hope I have the patience and multitasking skills like she does. It is a gift.

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