
InspireNow with Tamy - Little Love Lessons

Remember the honeymoon phase in your relationship? The highly charged period of excitement, good feelings and magical moments? Let's focus this week on feeling great in our relationships. It can be so simple to shift the energy back to a much happier place. Remember change is good and getting stuck in a routine creates boredom and stagnation. Instead of seeing only what the other person is doing wrong, zero in on the good to bring the magic back.

This can be practiced with any relationship but today I am focusing on a partner. Again you will see a basic theme of the power of your thoughts and positive thinking. Inherently, I think we are all born knowing this but we have to train ourselves and continually practice incorporating this mindset into our daily lives. Start making yourself see only what your partner is doing right and stay there, in that good place. STOP AND BITE YOUR TONGUE if you feel yourself getting ready to nag, criticize or go to a negative place with comments such as, "you didn't pick up your clothes" or "you forgot to do what I asked". NO one wants to hear what they aren't doing right all the time. Whatever the issue is the goal is to break out of the cycle, put on your rose colored glasses and see only the good. Praise the person by focusing on what you like and appreciate. It's astounding how quickly this will transform a relationship. The more you focus on the good and complement, the more your partner will want to help and assist you. The next thing you know they will be smiling, asking if they can help, and giving you an extra hug. I tell Lauren about the importance of slowing down because life is not a checklist and this includes nurturing the relationship. Your partner is like a puppy in the sense that when you praise and say happy things his/her tail will wag making everyone happy. What if you scold? The puppy will cower, retreat and again everyone will feel it and react to it. Get yourself centered and in a positive place so you can end the negativity.

If your relationship is in the tank start small. Everyone can find something good to focus on. If things are going well but your relationship feels stagnant start saying five sincere compliments a day. Saying thank you from your heart, taking the time in the morning to state some appreciation, looking into each others eyes, and kissing and hugging before you depart all will change the energy at home. In a matter of days you will see a big shift to a new place, maybe a place you haven't felt in a long time. Keep the good vibrations going because your relationships are your greatest source of joy!!

Photo Credit: Etsy, InnerSasa


  1. Each of these tips is so powerful and will work wonders. I just leaned over and gave my bf a smooch and he was LOVING it;)
