
InspireNow with Tamy - Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Here is a very powerful, fun way to transform yourself. Studies have recently shown that people who were told to smile in the mirror daily improved their depression more than those on anti-depressants. 

I have always used this with my beautiful daughters, friends and myself. Every morning look in the mirror and give yourself a complement. Say something like, "Damn girl you are HOT, you are beautiful, you are smart, I am a magnet for all good things!" Make positive statements on whatever makes you feel good or areas you feel need a boost. Practice this starting in the morning when you brush your teeth, throughout the day anytime you walk by a mirror and before bed. Try this and I promise you will notice a change!


  1. I believe it:) works like a charm, it's always nice to have a little reminder to do this in the mornings!

  2. Yes! Loving yourself and being kind to yourself is the key :) thanks for sharing!
