My healer in Aspen, Rob Wergin, told me last night that you should start and end each day thinking of what you are grateful for (much more on him and his awesomeness to come later). Rather than rushing out of bed try and wake up slowly and spend some time thinking thoughts of appreciation. This sets a positive tone for the day and creates good energy. When you do this at night it puts you in a state that allows your body to welcome healing and rejuvenation. He has seen that this one change can greatly enhance overall quality of life.
Today my husband and I leave on a trip to Thailand and Cambodia to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary. On our trip I am going to start and end each day focusing on the good in my life and what I am grateful for. Last night when falling asleep I focused on how grateful I am for my husband and his unconditional love. He is my partner, best friend, confidant, soulmate, workout partner, travel companion, adventurist - and the list goes on and on. Here are a few pics from our engagement, wedding and honeymoon. While away I am going to try and blog as much as possible. We are back on April 18th and daily postings will start again upon return.
We love you both so much. Knowning you is a true blessing in our lives. xo