
InspireNOW with Tamy - Give Your Brain A Break

Photo Credit: J.T. Liss Photography for Social Change
Majority of people live in cities and this is a trend that's increasing. This coupled with our high use of technology is keeping city dwellers from getting outdoors. The latest scientific research on the positive benefits of spending time in natural settings is worth paying attention to. Small adjustments to your daily routine can bring large benefits. Brief exposure to nature has a restorative effect on the brain. Being outside in nature calms frazzled nerves, makes people more creative, happier and focused.

Scientists and psychologists have studied hikers and found a 50% increase in performance on tests of creativity. Studies show that people of all ages who spent time walking through a natural setting as opposed to busy streets scored significantly higher in short term memory and attention. If you find it difficult to immerse yourself in nature don't worry, they also concluded even spending time in small parks, patches of green or looking at photos of trees, the ocean or open skies had significant cognitive benefits.

Make some small adjustments to your life and receive big benefits - get outside, breathe the air, feel sunshine on your face and add nature photos to your office. It's funny how all the “latest scientific research“ leads us back to more of the basics - GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY!

Here are some great outdoor activities in NYC:
- Glamping: latest and greatest in high-end camping http://www.escape2ny.com/info/accommodations
- Kayaking, sailing or paddle boarding in the Hudson River http://kayakhudson.com/paddle-boarding.asp
- Central Park – picnic, bootcamp classes, hiking yoga http://stacysbootcamp.com/ OR www.hikingyoga.com/
- Walking on The High Line
- Rooftop hanging – Le Bain, Hotel Chantelle, Beekman Beer Garden Beach Club, Hotel Americano, Jimmy at the James Hotel, The MET rooftop featuring Tomás Saraceno's new modular exhibit Cloud City http://www.metmuseum.org/saraceno
- Day and weekend trips through Discovery Outdoors http://www.discoveroutdoors.com/